Artist Manisha shares her quirky side of fashion

by Team ACF
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Fashion and art go hand-in-hand. This is why we have chosen some immaculately dressed artists, gallerists and fashion designers whose sartorial choices make them stand out among the melee of visitors at the India Art Fair.Here is the second from our series. Meet, Manisha Gera Baswani, Artist, who grabs eyeballs with her quirky dressing style Read on.
Do you give any special attention to your attire during the Fair?
I enjoy anything and everything of beauty that surrounds me. I am not sure if quirky is how I will describe my sense of style but it is definitely not conventional. I do enjoy dressing up for the fair but I am very particular about comfortable footwear since the fair entails a lot of running around and being constantly on our feet.
Do you think that fashion and art complement each other?
Knowing oneself is important and that entails looking inwards to find ourselves, which we creative people are consciously and subconsciously doing all the time through the act of creating. Being comfortable within ourselves also opens us to the idea of experimenting. This includes our wardrobe and we are always looking for clothes, designs, accessories that echo and thus eventually become our ‘ Personal Style’. So yes fashion and art do complement each other and as a practicing artist /photographer, I enjoy experimenting with my clothes and accessories. I see the process of bringing all of this together in one frame akin to making a work of art.
What is your personal style?
All I know is that I know what I like. It is instinctive and I know immediately when I see an object of clothing, whether it is a weave, a dress, a piece of cloth or an accessory that it is ME. Whether I make it my own or not is the next step.
What is your poison when it comes to fashion?
I love accessories made with nature’s bounty. I have enough but I am not satiated.
What do you plan to wear at the upcoming IAF?
I open my wardrobe and decide what it would be that day.
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