Locked Down With ACF Presents Sumiko Murgai Nanda

by Team ACF

ACF presents to you a delightful series showcasing talent and creativity. We bring to you some out of the box content to keep you engaged and engrossed, while stuck in a ‘box’. Stay tuned for an exciting series!

In these difficult times, it is imperative that we hold on to hope and positivity. So join us on this enlightening journey, exploring art, culture and expression. We present to you Sumiko Murgai Nanda, a renowned fashion photographer of India.


As the world around me retracted into their homes and safe spaces, my mind became restless to find its own area of comfort. The perceived threat of the virus compounding with the days that passed, we were left with no other option but to totally follow the law of the land and stay in.I have always said, that becoming a photographer has enabled me with a special gift, and that is never to be bored. That belief proved right once more for me.

Even indoors in my home, almost everything drew a connection to the lockdown. Staying in during brought about a sharpened ability to express my underlying angst through the pictures I created or simply took.

A wise person said, ”we as people under lockdown will emerge out a tad different post lockdown” and I couldn’t agree more.

I started noticing things differently. I continued to do what I love, except this time I was simply recording my personal moments from my lockdown journey.

As I reflected inwards, I discovered that life had become simple with no frills at all. These images depict simplicity as we deal with a complex virus, and learn to live and adapt to the life which is fast becoming a new normal.

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