Shilpy Gupta

by Team ACF
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“Knock and He’ll open the door, Vanish and He’ll raise you to the Heavens.
Become nothing, and He’ll turn you into everything”…..Rumi
It is couplets such as these that serve as an inspiration to an artist and a potter who creates these impressions on clay. Art knows no bounds and this artist from Bengaluru only knows this too well. Inspired by the world of poetry, nature and even teachings of Buddha, so far, Shilpy Gupta, a potter and artist, blends the magic of poetry into pottery when she creates masterpieces on clay for her brainchild — Ceramic Trail.
Always fascinated by the art of Pottery, Shilpy managed to learn the trade at a
studio in the United States of America and shifted back to India to explore and
expand her passion into a profession. With 15 years of experience behind the pottery wheel, Shilpy creates magic in clay and the poetry of Rumi and teachings of Buddha add life to the same. The colours in her artwork represent the deep thought hidden in mere words.
She did her first exhibition at Lalit Kala Academy, Chennai and another at 1 Shanthi Road Studio Gallery, Bengaluru. Her impressions of ‘poetry in pottery’ are not only artistic but meaningful as well. To keep the novelty factor she restricts the number to maximum 2 platters per design and she also does work commissioned by clients who are looking for something different. Apart from that she also mentors budding potters at a studio in Bengaluru.
Her latest collection draws inspiration from Rumi and Lord Buddha. The ‘Poetry on pottery’ concept was conceived in an attempt to take pottery beyond the limits of the wheel. Creating the pieces is a challenge in itself but what makes it unique is the small couplet or messages with each piece that describe the philosophy behind it.

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