Pradip Sengupta

by Team ACF
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Picture I was born in the culturally & visually rich locales of West Bengal and that too with a leaning towards painting & arts. So, it wasn’t any surprise for my family and friends, when I decided to take painting as my career option and headed towards the world renowned university at Santiniketan, from where I passed out with a MFA degree in the year 2000. After having learnt the nuances of art from my Alma-mater, I ventured out of my home state to see the world and picture it on my canvases. And the world which I see is indeed the one from where I draw my inspirations…My paintings are the images of the world – as seen by my eyes. My experiences as the man of this society compel me to develop a visual language which talks about my reactions at various situations. My journey from a small town in Bengal to the artistic atmosphere of Santiniketan and then to the busy and crowded life of Delhi, have had a deep impact on my life. All along the path of this journey I got the opportunity to experience life at different levels….the atmosphere changed with time and space…..but the emotions and experiences of a common man like me – the aspirations, struggles and achievements, the protests , grievances , damages – all remain unchanged….. And all these emotions & reactions of a common man, form the subject of my paintings. Although they hold their roots in the real world, my paintings may appear imaginative or random fantasy, owing to my use of symbols. In the present series, “Superman” & “Wish tree” for me symbolizes every common man’s dream to attain a supernatural power, to help him fulfill his wishes that are so much beyond his means in this real world. A man who dreams to get a special position for himself, and find it difficult to attain through his ordinary means, wishes to posses some superpower, be it a wish fulfilling tree or the power of a superman.

Merit scholarship from kala Bhavan, Santiniketan
international award from poland in 1992
camlin award for best water colour painting in 2005
Solo show at ICCR , delhi in 2013
Solo show at Triveni art gallery, New Delhi in 2010
Solo show atTriveni art gallery , New Delhi in 2008
group show at visual art gallery ,India Habitat Centre , New Delhi in 2007
group show at Rabindra Bhawan, Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi in 2010
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