M Cream, An Indie Movie Capturing a New Shade of India

by Team ACF
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Director: Agneya Singh
After travellingover 30 film festivals all around the world garnering both accolades and critical acclaim, Agneya Singh’s M Cream finally makes an appearance in the Indian cinema.
The first ever “Indian stoner movie” to blaze across our neighboring theatres, M cream is an epic tale of a motley crew of university students trailing the mountains of Himachal Pradesh in search for a mythical form of hash. Which starts as a simple road trip among friends fuelled by alcohol and angst soon transcends into a realm of political instability, human rights and the realities of rebellion.
It is an unconventional take for the Indian audience where you see India in a new shade of color, all blur and trippy. The movie is a smooth merger between a youth dominating genre and news centric topics like free-Tibet revolution and government corruption. Agneya’s concept to use this art form to softly hush the young generationto the need for social reform is truly a commendable effort.
M cream is notable on its cinematography, capturing the sublime beauty of Himachal. Certain shots of the movie truly does justice to the title of “paradise on earth” when one talks about the breath taking views of ParvatiValley in Himachal. The Jazzywesternized soundtracks and poetic content that has been well woven into the narration,provides a different dimension to the movie as well. However the lack of editing and impactful music arrangement does leave one for wanting a bit more out of this widely promising debut feature film.
The leads by Imaad Shah and Ira Dubey gave realistic performances within these unorthodox roles of young rebels. And with a great supporting cast, M cream does deliver on the acting front.One might opinionate it as just a stoner movie however it breaks that stereotype. This hybrid of the indie genre, American independent and Indian cinema by Agneya Singh is a portrait worth heading to the theaters for!

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