Playing with Geometry – A. Sreedharan

by Team ACF
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downloadAfter experimenting with colours on canvas and other styles, A. Sreedharan found his way to Rhetoric Geometry (Abstract Art). Sreedharan is one of the few artists in India who has addressed his obsession with symmetry and structure in the form of geometric abstraction and aims to delve deeper into this space.
Tell us about your journey into the field of art
I am an engineer by profession. I started painting as a hobby three to four years ago. Slowly it developed into a passion, and I saw my art being appreciated by friends and other acquaintances. So I gave up my job and followed my passion.IMG_5016
Why did you choose abstract art?
There is no specific reason behind it, I have done other works in other styles. But with Rhetoric Geometry, I just felt more comfortable with it.
Do you first know what the piece stands for or vice versa?
Mostly I start with a piece and then either at the end or during the work it just makes sense to me. For instance, in the work titled ‘Relationship’ I had the title in my mind even as I began working on it.
How much time do you give to each piece and for the entire collection?
Depends, it can take from a single day to multiple days. And then again, it also depends on how good an idea I have of the end result.
So do you know what the end result would be when you start with a piece?Distinction
Sometimes. As a practice, however, I just start with an idea and then I let it flow on to the canvas. Turned out pretty good didn’t it?
What is your advice to the upcoming artists?
To be successful you need to create your own different style of art.
Blurb: “I believe that we all undergo several challenges in life – some enormous and some trivial. Most often our experiences, while dealing with such challenges, help us evolve as individuals and also shape our perceptions. While some challenges impact us negatively, others can also equip us to deal with life positively.”
– Sreedharan

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