Art is the very purpose of my existence – Pallav Chander

by Ekatmata Sharma
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Artist Pallav Chander’s abstract canvas lends a chaotic nature to his artworks leaving it open for the viewer’s discretion. In his upcoming solo show “Tomorrow Belongs To Me”, the paintings focus on contemporary societal psychology and behavior, represented as an abstract expression. In a candid conversation, he shares his views on his upcoming exhibition and his artistic process.

What is the inspiration behind “Tomorrow Belongs To Me”?

Tomorrow Belongs to Me” is more of a statement than title. It’s a statement about that tomorrow belongs to all these artworks. It’s a statement about ones perseverance and self belief in an optimistic tomorrow, full of artistic opportunities and creative endeavors which my art deserves.

Your work is a riot of colours. What is the underlying thought behind using multitude of colours?

I have never pre planned about my colour palette for majority of my works. It comes naturally to me. The brighter the painting more intense is the subject.

There is gibberish language written on the artworks. What’s the thought-process behind it?

Writings in my work have a significant role. Its either written reversed (giving homage to my dyslexia), or the letters are written in random symbols or codes to manipulate the viewer viewing the work.

Which is one common thread that combines all your works in this exhibition?

It’s the ‘journey of my art’, because my art is like a chapter of a personal diary. Everyday whatever inspires me gets noted in my artwork.

There are lot of layers and textures on your canvas. Is it part of your art process or you go with the flow?

The trick in my art process is that, I never know how to start the work, but I always know when I can’t work more on the work. So in that way, few works takes me months and there are 4-5 layers involved. Many a times, I have made a full work and then I destroy it completely and the beauty of all this chaos is that, the layers leaves a history of the particular previous image and gets incorporated in the new imagery. Also sometimes a work may be done in a day. So that’s a natural process to my practice.

Dots and eyes are common motifs in your paintings. What do they symbolize?

The dots in artworks are more of a therapeutic process to me, the repeated patterns is very self satisfying, and the eyes symbolizes that the artwork is viewing the viewer even before the viewer absorbs the work.

What aspects of your artist mother Kanchan Chander has a major influence on you?

It’s the autobiographical aspect where she has always used her life as an inspiration to portray on her canvas.

What is art to you?  

Art to me is everything, the very purpose of my existence.

Tomorrow Belongs To Me” will be open for public from 2nd to 4th August 2019 at Alliance Francaise, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi.

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