Ana Lamata’s talk on art and technology

by Team ACF
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Visual art is synonymous with technology. Though many would disagree. But if one closely scrutinises the relationship between the two diverse ends of the spectrum, one would realise that they are very much connected. Even Madrid-based artist Ana Lamata concurs as her research has primarily been on chronicling the association art has with technology. And she would elaborate on the intrinsic bond the two share in a talk titled ‘To See or Not To See’ at the ongoing The Park’s New Festival 2018 on September 13.

Nowadays you see artists using augmented reality in their works to explore a new dimension. To tell the same story differently, an artist does rely on technology. It has been a part and parcel of art ever since X-rays and radiography came into picture,” says Ana.

The technology, in fact, helped us to understand we all are made of the same matter – an atom. You and I are same and that really was a fascinating discovery. This is why even great artists like Picasso have used technology in their craft,” she adds.

This is the first time Ana is visiting India. And she considers herself lucky that the multi-city tour is giving her time to embrace Indian culture and eat Indian food. While she is a researcher and an artist, she is also a trained hat maker. She finds hats a fascinating object. And so much for the love and fascination that Ana is now a hat designer who specialises in making bespoke, custom-made hats. But rather than viewing hats as “fashion objects”, she looks at them as “sculptures”.

They are a piece of art and powerful objects too. They are also symbolic of a particular culture and identity. In fact, clothing and hats are ways of expressing our identity. They are the cultural markers that need to be preserved,” she says.

Referring to the German and Russian schools of thoughts, she says that they propagated the philosophy that “everything that surrounds us is art”. One shouldn’t distinguish or put label on art. It is a way of seeing and observing. “All the objects around us, even if it is a piece of furniture or a paper, has a story. Good or bad, doesn’t matter. But if we deliberate and not look at ‘art’ as ‘art’, or go by the definition of art, then we will realise the real meaning of art,” she says.

So far her talk has generated generous response and has also led to a stimulation of ideas with the audience. The talk goes beyond the realm of art and technology and is aimed at breaking many myths surrounding art. “Have had enriching exchanges of ideas. Really looking forward to be in Delhi,” she signs off.

To See or Not To See’ will be held at 4 pm on September 13 at The Park.

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