Last surviving rogan art

by Abdul Gafur Khatri
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Have you touched a three dimensional textile, that has been gifted by our honorable PM to almost every dignitary in the world. Yes we are talking about Rogan Textile Art, from Kutch District of Gujarat. Rogan Art is done by castor oil and then adding vegetable pigments and a binding agent; resulting in thick and shiny paint. The base cloth is usually of dark colour, which helps these colours stand out. In Rogan Art, the pattern is applied using metal blocks with patterns carved into them and then elaborate designs are produced freehand, by trailing thread-like strands of paint off of a stylus. Frequently, half of a design is painted, then the cloth is folded in half, transferring a mirror image to the other half of the fabric. The designs include floral motifs, animals, and local folk art.

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