In My Fever Dream by Viraj Khanna

by Team ACF
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Dec 2nd – 11th 2022  |  LTC, Bikaner House, Delhi
Gallery Art Exposure presents ‘In My Fever Dream’ by Viraj Khanna. The artist has used different elements such as thread, beads, pearls, and other hand-created materials in order to give structure to his figurative work. I’n a fever dream’, one may experience more intense emotions, more bizarre narratives, distorted sensory perception, and vastly different environments from real life than in normal dreams.

“Viraj Khanna first embarked on his artistic journey during the pandemic in 2020. Seeing him cultivate his talent and evolve as an artist is a delightful experience by itself. This time, Viraj leverages his proficient skills in working with textiles and transmutes them into fabulous figurative creations that deserve applause,” says Somak Mitra, Director of Gallery Art Exposure.

Viraj Khanna shares, “This series is a reflection of my personal experiences and the way I relate to the world. When I create, I think about the human condition, about people and their behaviours. Societal influences changing our personalities and the way we perceive reality interest me greatly. This time, I have used different elements such as thread, beads, pearls, and other hand-created materials in order to give structure to my figurative work.”

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