Group show by Shruti Mahajan, Kushala Vora and Sangita Maity

by Team ACF
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Till 8th Jan, 2020 | Shrine Empire, Defence Colony, Delhi

Shrine Empire presents the works of Shruti Mahajan, Kushala Vora and Sangita Maity whose practices are interesting for divergent reasons. On view will be a significant body of work from their ongoing series of works that throw light on their research, formal explorations and material preoccupations.

Shruti Mahajan has been interested in precarious structures and through them lived lives that navigate liminal and transient spaces, including but not limited to the border regions. Through material and media that suggest the fragility of these archives that emerge and dissipate — envelopes, inland letters, cardboard structures — she enters the fraught domain of identity and memory.

Sangita Maity’s work with soil and iron sheets reflect her ongoing, extensive research-based practice in the district of Keonjar, Orissa where lies one of the largest deposits of iron ore in the country. The materials function as found objects in Maity’s work as she inscribes telling tales of the conditions of labour and erosion of identities in the region while evoking its landscape.

Kushala Vora’s experiments with ceramic through textured and durational processes are mimetic of the forest’s rhythms, its cumulative relationship with time; a sensibility that has been eroded in the developmental, civilizational logic. Her works on view here reveals her process, which explores alternative possibilities away from empirical, standardized approaches.

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