“Fragile” presented by Latitude 28

by Team ACF
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Latitude 28 presents a three-person exhibition of young contemporaries –

Al-Qawi Nanavati, Dola Shikder, Purvi Sharma
Opening on Wednesday, 31st July, 2024

At Gallery LATITUDE 28, F – 208, F/F, Lado Sarai, New Delhi

Latitude 28 presents a three-person exhibition of young contemporaries – Al-Qawi Nanavati, Dola Shikder, Purvi Sharma – each of whom situate their practice within an experience of being vulnerable to life. They belong to a group of new-age artists who are occupied, first and foremost, with the responsibility of building their own identities as individuals, and of being creative practitioners. In their work and their life views, one finds newfound vigour that is much needed in making sense of a world that seems to become more and more fractious. This exhibition, therefore, is strongly rooted in the universality of human experiences of love, loss, and the mundanity of everyday life. It is a chance to look anew at one’s relationships with oneself, with loved ones, and with the larger world outside one’s own realm of knowledge.

Situating her work in printmaking, painting and drawing, Al-Qawi’s works in this exhibition are majorly influenced by her experiences of life after the sudden loss of her mother. Dola, a young student at MSU Baroda, has a strong sense of what she wants to convey through her art – the feminine experience of navigating the world and oneself. Purvi’s fascination with channelising uncertainty into a visual language strives to find meaning in the mundane, at a time when digital media and its implications on mental health can feel overwhelming.

All three artists use multiple mediums and materials as their artistic language which pays tribute to the range of human emotions one goes through in growing up and making sense of the world.

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