Maïté Delteil’s artworks “The Yellow Room” at Art Alive Gallery

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Art Alive Gallery presents “The Yellow Room”, a selection of works created by the artist Maïté Delteil in the late 1960s. It’s a collection of 25 to 30 works in small format, dating back to the artist’s youth, had never been exhibited in India before. Ahead of the exhibition at the gallery, a 45-minute biographical film by Joy Banerjee, titled ‘Maïté Enchanted’ was screened at the French Embassy on 12th March 2019 at the Residence of France. Maïté Delteil was born in 1933 and brought up in the French countryside. She was educated at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. She then received a fellowship from the Government of France to study in Spain and Greece. Delteil has worked under the painter Roger Chapelain-Midy and the engraver Robert Cami. In 1963, she married Indian painter Sakti Burman, who studied in Beaux-Arts as well, under a schorlarship. She now lives in Paris and New Delhi.

15th March to 15th April, 2019 | Art Alive Gallery, S 221, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi

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