Vipul Prajapati

by Ekatmata Sharma
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Urban reality

Young contemporary visual artist Vipul Prajapati’s artworks are rooted in the urban rustic world. His paintings, drawings and installations give a glimpse into what happens behind the urban metropolis of today. His works revolve around the industrial worker at his site with his environs, machines and tools.
71 x 48
What shaped you into an artist?
I hail from a very humble family of farmers. My father is an artist, arts in is my genes. I graduated in fine arts from CN College of fine arts, Ahmedabad. My journey as an artist began since I was an art student. I won several state awards while I was pursuing painting. This boosted my confidence and kept me going ahead. My first show was in Ahmedabad at Contemporary art gallery. Recently I won AIFACS, national and international Prestigious Award $10,000, the Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant. New York. I feel my journey has just begun.
What is your style and medium of work?
“Creativity takes courage” and that is what I am. My life is like a coal mine. As coal is valued for its energy similarly I love to explore and go deeper within seeking that energy and transforming it through my work with different mediums. I basically have an inclination towards experimenting, I like using varied materials. I have worked from oil to acrylic and love doing realistic art work. Currently my medium of work is pencil.
Necessity is the mother of Invention
Which is your most memorable work?
It’s my work in oil on canvas, a large scale hand. This work was closest to my heart. That work came to notice through Facebook and he was ready to buy it irrespective of the price. Since I was in need of money, I did sell off that work. But, my relation the work was so special that I made it again and I wouldn’t be selling it now.
Who are the art veterans that inspire you?
I personally like and admire work of Anslem Kiefier. His huge experimental work inspires me a lot. I look up to him for his style of working. I would love to do such huge experiments like Kiefier, but in a diverse approach.

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