Arun Pandit

by Team ACF
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Delhi-based sculptor artist Arun Pandit created a gigantic Garuda sculpture, that graces the new integrated terminal of the Tirupati airport and was recently inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This creation of his recently got him into limelight. The young artist, who works in the Garhi studios has had three solos so far.
His association with bronze began in 1993, when he made an Ashoka Pillar for a commissioned work in Bihar. He has completed several commissioned works in Bihar. Lok Kavi Bikhari Thakur and Gaj Graha were two of the works, both in fibre glass. As he shares, he used this money to finish his Masters in Delhi College of Arts in 1997.
“A major problem in sculpture today is that when projects come there is not enough money to pay for the casting of bronze which is why so many projects are done in fibre glass. Then sculptors don’t have space to create. As a sculptor I was given place in Garhi in 2006,” he shares.
This is also the year when he started working in bronze again.

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