Thangkas: The enchanting storytelling of meditation

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Buddhist deity, scenic or mandala art created on cotton with silk appliqué border is known as thangka painting. It is a traditional style of Buddhist art that was created in Tibet sometime in the 11th century. These serve as a striking centrepiece that all admirers of Asian art can appreciate. They are painstakingly detailed and densely illustrated.
There is more to Buddhist thangka paintings than meets the eye, despite their striking aesthetic appeal. Thangkas are used as a vehicle for religious storytelling because they are frequently centre on a particular deity and location and are frequently rich in symbolism in both form and context. As a result, training is needed to fully understand the complexity and significance of the paintings. Not only that, thangkas which are made in the monastery are chanted with Buddhist mantras.
Thangkas are used as a vehicle for religious storytelling because they are frequently centre on a
particular deity and their surrounding elements are frequently rich in symbolism. They are visually appealing and impressive. Keeping thangkas of Green Tara and Medicine Buddha brings positivity and cleanses your aura and eliminates negativity around you.

The Art’s Goal:

The art primarily serves three goals. They serve as a means of acquiring merit, which is what
generates positive karma, to reach a good meditating place first.
Second, they assist the dead as they travel between worlds. Karma can still have an impact on
the seven to 49 days it takes for reincarnation to occur after death.
Finally, single-point meditation employs them. Thangkas serve as a type of body support, which
is something that helps with meditation.
Additionally, used as a teaching aid, thangkas bring affirmative changes. They were once used by monks to impart Buddhist knowledge to younger monks or laypeople. Additionally, they are employed in traditional tibetan medicine depicts a variety of medical concepts, including phases of an embryo, medicinal herbs, and minerals.

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Anish Kumar June 29, 2022 - 5:12 am

Informative content about Thangkas painting.

Anish Kumar June 29, 2022 - 5:12 am

Informative and correct
content about Thangkas painting.


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