The Giacometti: A Family of Creators

by Team ACF
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Until 14 November 2021

Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul de Vence

Curated by the artist Peter Knapp, this exhibition looks at the links in life and art between Alberto Giacometti, his father Giovanni and his cousin Augusto, and his two brothers, Diego and Bruno. It also explores the enduring influence on their work of Stampa, the family’s home village in a mountainous region of Italian Switzerland.

The show brings together around 30 major sculptures and drawings from the Maeght collection, as well as loaned works, alongside paintings, films and archival objects, to explore the creativity of each member of the artistic family.

‘Of course, everyone knows Alberto,’ said Knapp of his decision to showcase the family’s work, ‘but for once, I hope that the talents of Giovanni, Augusto, Diego and Bruno will also be recognised.’

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