by Navneet Mendiratta
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Art heals. Art has the power to change the way we think. It has the magic to cheer us. It speaks of the times, is an expression of pain, joy, a thought process and even an indicator of what is happening in the society.

In times, when the world had given up — in the past — artists communicated, expressed the hope that the rest of the world so desperately sought. So why not now?
As we watch the world grapple with a novel virus and nations look for ways to keep the lands and people safe, often resorting to lockdowns, digital media has emerged as a medium of hope and sanity. It not only serves to bring information but also as a medium to engage as a community.

It’s emerging as a medium where communities are making an effort to spread good vibes and cheer. Most important, it is also proving to be the only tool to keep the movement on even when every thing else seems to have come to a standstill.

For a while, we at ArtCultureFestival have been thinking about how we can help to ease the stress and infuse hope and joy in the community. With all of you as our family and ardent supporters, we wish to create a world of hope. A world that is positive and supports the community it thrives in…

As a team, more important as a community, we have decided to help promote and amplify the voices in the world of arts as they struggle to stay afloat.
Starting today, we are introducing a section where we will host the virtual shows being held by the galleries to amplify their reach. All of it gratis, till we sail out of the rough waters.
In the same spirit, we would also like to offer our services to any gallery or art institution that seeks help to set up a social media presence to push their businesses online.
We would be happy to work on campaigns and promotions to amplify the creative voices. Engage and share relevant content. Let this be the time to support and stand for each other.

We invite the interested galleries and institutions to write to us at acfeditorial@gmail.com or Dm us and we would be happy to connect.
We are all in it together and we will all emerge out of this intact together, and stronger than before.

Till then, stay safe, stay indoor and stay strong.

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