We are Still Alive: Strategies in Surviving the Anthropocene

by Team ACF
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21 Jan – 2 February 2020 | Gandhi – King Memorial Plaza, India International Center, New Delhi

“We are still alive: Strategies in Surviving the Anthropocene” curated by Dr. Arshiya Lokhandwala for Shalini Passi Foundation;MASH Sculpture Space is a Site-specific exhibition that engages with the impact of the human footprint on earth systems that has become irreversible and poses the greatest challenge to mankind. The participating artists are AchiaAnzi, Asim Waqif, Arun Kumar H G, AtulBhalla, Priyanka Chowdhary, Ravi Agarwal and Sultana Zana. We are Still Alive in the sculpture garden of IIC is an exhibition by Delhi artists who have experienced the poor air / water quality, congestion, pollution in the city, change in the temperature and water levels. The artists address these issues as a public art project. Each work provokes viewers to think about these important issues that effect their health, food and quality of life. The exhibition is a shout out to the public to mobilize themselves to bring the required changes in this critical crisis moment while We are Still Alive. Today, we are in the midst of the most significant global crisis that determines our future. We humans have exacted a heavy toll on the natural world we inhabit through overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, deforestation leading to glaciers melts, sea levels to rise, species to go extinct and severe weather events such as floods, droughts, and hurricanes that have lead to soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water, amongst other issues. This makes the Anthropocene or the human footprint on earth systems an irreversible catastrophe with our greatest challenge how to circumvent it to save the planet.

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