Multipolis Mumbai: Dance and the City – Talk

by Team ACF
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16th October |6pm – 8pm| NGMA Mumbai

National Gallery of Modern Art, Mumbai, Ministry of Culture, Government of India and Avid Learning present Multipolis Mumbai: Dance and the City, a panel discussion that will explore the trajectories of dance in Mumbai, the various styles and forms that are being introduced and assimilated into the Mumbai dance landscape, and the influence of social media and global forces on dance in the city. The panelists for the talk are Managing Director, Nrityanjali Group and Dance Curator, Kala Ghoda Arts Festival Dr. Anonna Guha, Ballet Teacher and Founder of the Ballet Festival of India Ashifa Sarkar Vasi, Founder and Artistic Director of The Danceworx and Navdhara India Dance Theatre Ashley Lobo, Dancer and Choreographer Astad Deboo and in conversation with Kathak Dancer, Director, Amara Nritya Kala Hansa and Curator, Alchemy & WOW Gauri Sharma Tripathi. This panel of practitioners and experts will examine the evolution and democratisation of dance culture in the city and analyse how western colonial influences and Bollywood have shaped classical and traditional temple dance forms, as well as spawned new ones. They will also examine alternative forms of dance in the city that are gaining prominence as a result of a burgeoning street culture, as well as the rise of dance education and academies in the city. These experts, choreographers and professionals will discuss the role of dance in today’s performing arts space, the balance between traditional and modern dance, the organic development of various dance forms in the city and the urban inspiration provided by Mumbai. They will also explore topics like the changing nature of the rigidity of dance, as well as how dance is engaged with through venues and schools in the city. This talk will be part of AVID’s Multipolis Mumbai Series that decodes the past while looking to the future and finding novel ways of engaging, interacting with and reenergizing the city that we love!

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