Exhibition of Sikh paintings by western artists displayed for the first time in India

by Team ACF
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The Hubris foundation presents a collection of exquisite paintings titled “Sikhs: an occidental romance” by eminent artists from all over the world .This rare exhibition depicting the Sikh community in all its glory and grandeur encompasses 80 museum archival replicas of paintings by western artists from the 19th and 20th century. The Exhibition showcases beautiful artworks from artists such as Alfred De Dreux , Emily Eden, Rudolf Swoboda, Edwin Lord Weeks, Prince Alexis Soltykoff, August Schoefft, William Carpenter and others .This wide Compilation of artworks will be showcased for the first time in India, under one roof.

12th- 18th April 2019| Aifacs Gallery, 1 Rafi Marg

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