NCPA: Young Picasso

by Team ACF
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An NCPA- Seventh Art Productions (UK) Presentation

What made Picasso in the first place? Somewhat overlooked, it is time to look at the early years of Picasso; the upbringing and the learning that led to his extraordinary achievements. Three cities play a key role: Malaga, Barcelona and Paris. Young Picasso explores the influence of each on the artist, focusing on specific artworks from these early years. The film explains how this young artist acquired his craft. Looking carefully at two key early periods – the so-called Blue Period and Rose Period – the film takes us to 1907 when he painted a key work in the history of art – ‘Les Demoiselles d’Avignon’. It was a painting that shocked the art world, but also changed it irrevocably. Picasso was only 25 years old. Working closely with all three Picasso Museums in Malaga, Barcelona and Paris, this film explains how he rose to such great heights.

Directed by David Bickerstaff

Exhibition Screening (approx. 85 mins)

Wednesday 13 March, 2019 @ 3:00pm and 6:30pm

Venue: Godrej Dance Theater


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