Deepak Kumar

by Team ACF

He is a student of College of art , New Delhi currently perusing MFA Painting. Since childhood he has been fascinated about studying people’s expressions due to his rural background. He belongs to a small place known as Hajipur situated in Bihar. Currently over the 4 years of his stay in Delhi his interest has developed towards exploring cityscapes. Things around here  were quite similar in a way . The only difference that he found was in the numbers, height and the different architectural shapes given to the buildings. Over the initial one year of exploring the city he realized about the deep root connection between the rural and urban living. In past he tried to explore the changes in  architecture over the period of time through cityscapes, collages (both architecture and portraits) trying to give them 3d dimension using various materials. Through his works he’s trying to show a blend of past and present time through the use of various shades of colors  giving an old yet antique look to them. His main mode to express his work is through pen with use of black ink trying to explore the basic elements of drawing. Though his compositions end up having an essence of old though not so bright colors in it, while in his portraits he tends to try and capture the expressions through the use of both black ink and bright colours.

life of journey

His work represents the changing aspect of time, constant and otherwise, which unfolds possibility as we move along. Through collage, I try combine various material that signify different time.

  • Annual Art Exhibition, Delhi College of Art, New Delhi (2012-2016).
  • NDMC Annual fest 2014.
  • Art Mall,Motinagar New Delhi (2013).
  • Seems Art Mall,Motinagar New Delhi (2012).
  • Creative Concour-II (Art Exhibition), South Ex. New Delhi (2011)
  • Pencil Fest, Arena Animation Academi, south Ex. New Delhi (2010-2011).


  • NDMC Poster making (2016)
  • All india painting competition (2014-2013).
  • Best Painting Group Delhi Wallbook (2012).
  • Flower show Delhi University (2012). |  +91-8285607186

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