Mrityunjay Chatterjee

by Team ACF
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Mrityunjay Chatterjee on Affordable v/s Emerging.

How do you express art in your terms?

A language of expression and engagement. For me, communication my ideas to the people, who look at my piece of art, is really important. I’m able to sew my line of thoughts according to them, because my art is for them and about them.

Since when art have been your professional line?

I have been a part of this line for really long. It was 2000, when I started working professionally, and worked out my passion for it. And till now, I have been into 25-30 exhibitions. Though, number of exhibitions do not judge or measure my art, but somehow numbers do matter, today.

How do you define the concept of emerging artists and concept of affordable artists?

I understand the idea of emerging artist. But, not affordable. The value of art depends upon many variables. It would be very difficult to judge like that. Where art is judged on the basis of intensity and ideas and creativity, price tag doesn’t move an inch of our worth.

If you would have been new to the market, will you put your art work with the gallery who puts “affordable tag on their artwork?

It might be affordable, might not, depending upon the work. I do not say its bad, it’s just not a way to judge any art work.

Why do you think, it’s a necessity that artists should be categorized under emerging and not affordable?

I think emerging is more of a rational tag. Affordable is just a classy way to insult someone’s efforts and hard-work. Artists, I know of, do not look out for money in front of their passion for the same. Their artworks are made up of their skills and ideas, price tag doesn’t matter till the art piece itself, connects with eyes and minds.
Read about “Too small a canvas? Have an entire wall!” here

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